A school in nature
Åsane, Bergen, Norway
Cristian Ştefănescu (APP)
Trudi Jaeger (DAV)

Stian Tomin Nærøy
+47 93228877
Instagram: tominzky
I found a site in Åsane. A hidden gem in a concrete jungel. So rich on life in all forms that I instantly felt a strong connection.
In this site Bergen county is building a school. They plan to bring in 7000 truckloadsof filling mass to lift the terrain and create a large one volumed school. Their reports say that the landscape isn´t special, and it will not be of large negative impact on natural life to do this. They are wrong.
I have engaged with the local community. The forrest kindergarden, the kindergarden, neighbors, parents, elderly and the children. When working 1:1, a small boy came to me and asked ”Where shall Jonny Dear live when you build something here as well?” I had no answer, but reflected on the great understanding children have for their environments, and how we so often undermine and neglect this aspect.
A small green gem giving them freedom to learn, understand and fall in love with where we come from. A gem that soon will be taken away. What signals are we giving children when we dominated nature in this manner? How will they relate to nature when they see how easily a grown man chops down a 100 year old tree?
My project aims to find a balance between building, understanding and relating to the landscape. Creating an atmosphere where children can not just learn about nature, but in and with nature. Using the landscape as an extended classroom without boundaries. Free for the children to explore and fall in love with. Not on our premisses but on theirs.