Investigations into alternative accommodation at the North Cape
Nordkapp, Norway
Sverre Sondresen (APP)
Eva Kun (DAV)

Hanne Ødesneltvedt
+47 90619171
This project takes place at the northernmost part of mainland Europe, the island of Magerøya in Northern Norway. Each year the island is visited by several hundred thousand tourists. A vast majority of these tourists come to the island to visit the North Cape Plateau.
At the same time, Magerøya has more to offer. The island has a unique arctic climate, animal wildlife and a bizarre and violent history. This makes Magerøya an island where one may experience lots of interesting things – but many people seem to be unaware of the possibilities.
The intention of this Diploma is therefore to present proposals for infrastructure that facilitates an alternative way to experience the island closer to nature, but also to be able to control the destruction of nature to a certain extent.
The proposed solution at Knivskjelodden is a simple shelter primarily to be used as a day-time shelter where hikers can sit down, eat their food, enjoy the view and be protected from the weather. The shelter serves on a free-for-all basis and shall be open at all times for those in need.
At Langnes the proposed solution is a small accommodation with facilities for overnight stays for small groups of people, to be served on a book-to-use, short time basis. The objective is to locate it close to historic sites, but also close to wildlife populations without causing disturbance to animals or cause harm to the historic locations or nature.